Most reliable laser printer that is easily refillable in India 2024
Technology giants have been churning out laser printers left and right over the past few years. But, not all lasers are created equal. Most of them are unreliable and break down quite often. Or, these laser printers have expensive toners or extremely expensive to refill. If you are looking to get them refilled, make sure you know the repair costs as well, something like head, cutter and drum often need replacement after 2-3 times of getting toner refilled.

We have done the homework for you and here are two printers that we recommend getting. These two have cheap drum cost and it is incredibly affordable to get toner refilled.
Refillable, reliable laser printer with WiFi 2024
Having WiFi onboard is easily the most wanted feature these days. Most of us do not want to turn on our laptop or PC on to print a piece of paper. Also, we all have multiple gadgets at home, and it is ostensibly easier to give print command from your iPhone or Android phone than your computer.
The one we recommend is HP M126NW. This is an all-in-one printer that offers lasers technology and also lets you scan documents. On top of all, it is amazingly reliable and repair costs are cheap. Drum goes bad? No issues. Same goes with toner that is refilled for as low as 200 rupees at a local computer market.

It has WiFi onboard and use Air Print for printing from Apple devices like iPad, and iPhone. No drivers or software needed. Same goes for android devices that do not require any additional software.
Reliable laser printer in India 2024
Meet HP P1108, this is just a printer that is good at, well, printing. Easily refillable and dependable. It can be used in all sorts of environments and it will not let you down. It is a bit on expensive side but it is good at only one thing and HP made sure, it is rock solid. Parts are widely available and it will not let you down.